The song was written by the Brave Brothers and The War Between the Stars, incorporating different genres such as Hip-Hop, Electronic House, and Rock to pull off a new sound that fans are sure to love. A couple of the first lines are, “What are you? What the heck are you? What are you to me?” and then the chorus changes directions stating, “Leave me a place because I love you. I’m behind you, waiting.”
It seems the song was written through the eyes of someone who is struggling with love. During their struggle, they tell the person ‘Leave me a place‘ if they decide to be with them. The Lyrics seem quite endearing and sentimental, although the song promises an up-tempo beat.
Fans that have seen the ‘Twister‘ dance from ‘Bingeul Bingeul‘ and the ‘Tough Guy‘ dance from ‘Man Man Ha Ni‘ are expecting yet another catchy dance from the U-KISS boys, which they surely can deliver! U-KISS have recently preformed at the ShowKingM Super Concert in Thailand, and are planning to promote their new single very shortly.
Let’s all wish U-KISS good luck with their new single and wish them the best for their career!
credits: Lee UhnHyuk + OHHxbby@kpoplive (translation) + annieetrannie@7kisses
saya senang sekali karena akhirnya Kiseop kebagian nyanyi di Mworago! sesek napas deh dengernya! XDXD
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